Pure Communion: Flower and Gem Essence

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This gem and flower essence has been created to help align you with your creator. Pure Source energy, that guides, aligns and heals, communicates with us every day. If you need or want some help connecting to this source more strongly, this essence can be a great tool. This beautiful, harmonious spray is a tool to help you connect to the divine. We all commune in different ways. Some of us pray, some of us meditate, some of us go out in nature. This flower and gem essence is a tool to use during our communing times to amplify the divine connection. This Essence is not a perfume. It has a smell of the lotus flower, but it is to be sprayed at your wrist pulse points or over your crown chakra. The crown chakra is an energy center that, when opened allows us greater access to our spiritual connection. This essence is made of lapis lazuli and lotus oil. Not for internal use

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