Welcome to Summer! Solstice Brings Fire to the World to Create Change.

This weekend in a meditation I received some interesting information. I was within the sacred stone circle at Kinstone with students from my class, and we were working with the elements.  Through this meditation, I had an amazing connection with fire, with heat and pressure. The active element of fire was extreme and visceral. There was a constant feeling of being in a pressure cooker and being burned up, transformed to ash to create something new. This information was coming in so fast; I couldn’t take it in all at once. I had to sit with it for a few days to process what it meant and how I should feel about it, if I need to feel anything about it at all.

As I sat with this information for the next couple of days, I kept getting confirmation signs repeatedly. We are about to have a trial by fire!  Fire is very active, can be aggressive and uncomfortable if not handled delicately and in reverence. As we move into this space of fire, of burning and pressure, I want to remind you that you can choose to not be burned up yourself but allow transformation and new growth to sustain you. This fire will bring change, that is for sure. The fire is seeking old unsustainable ideas, thoughts and actions which don’t align with the new energy that has moved into our awareness and the planet. It is time for us to change, evolve and grow as a people, together. Some will NOT like this change. They are so rigidly stuck in the ways things have always been done, that they won’t be able to shift direction or open to new ideas and see things from a new perspective. This will cause fear and anger in a lot of folks so the collective consciousness will feel like it is blowing apart, that the world is in even MORE chaos than it was before, and it has been very chaotic.

I am inviting you to let go of this fear, detach from the crazy and let it burn. What will be burning needs to burn, it needs to transform into new life that is evolving and shifting. This is an amazing time to dig into self-awareness.  What are you resisting?  Where are you living in fear and suffering when you don’t need to? Why are you holding on to ideas and traditions that may not be in the best interest of humanity? Why are you scared and what can you do about it?

Some of the big ideas that are going to be consumed by the fire are martyrdom, separateness, the archetype of the savior, extreme control and mass manipulation. Does the idea of losing these things sound good to you? Or does it through you into fear? Why, how and what does it mean for you? A lot of these words sound like an amazing, refreshing change, but it does come at a cost. A lot of religion and people’s idea of faith is tied up in these energies that are no longer supported on this planet. That is going to scare a lot of people, maybe even you. Explore why, explore what you can let go of and acknowledge where you are allowing control and manipulation to consume you. We all are affected by it and it isn’t easy or comfortable to let go of. This letting go can leave us feeling vulnerable, please know that it is ok. Vulnerable doesn’t mean weak or completely unprotected, it just means your strength will come from a different place than it once did. Your abundance and growth will come from a different channel or path.  There is a different kind of sovereignty that is settling into our consciousness: personal sovereignty.  How do we take responsibility for ourselves and what we bring to the world? How do we respond instead of react?

I invite you to sit in the heat and smolder in the flames to become the phoenix for our common good, so that we can rise together into the new energy of community, equality and sovereignty. We have the opportunity to be consumed by the flame or transformed by it. Which will you choose?


Rock On With Your Crystal Self!


The Power of Sexual Energy