The Power of Sexual Energy

Sexual energy isn’t just about having great sex, or sex in general.  It is also about the ability to accept deep intimacy, and the glorious power of passion and excitement in the body every day.  Sexual energy connects us to the creative power of the material world. It fully connects the physical body with the creative force of spiritual energy. 

Trauma or abuse may have disrupted this very important connection to our greater spiritual self.  Our bodies are meant to be ours; for our pleasure, desire and our exploration on the Earth. Our bodies are a big part of how we experience this life and our connection to others, and reclaiming our intimate power over our bodies allows us to more fully embody our spirit, creating safety and a greater power of being home in our bodies.

Energetically, we hold this sexual space in our root and sacral chakras. For women, it is directly linked to our vagina and uterus. Two places that can be compromised in several different ways to keep us under control and prevent us from accessing our greatest creative power. It is about time that we take back our vital and expansive parts of ourselves and use the healing spark of creativity to soothe any shame, resentment, anger or victimization that may rest in our bodies as a result of destructive experiences.

Allowing ourselves to be free to experience life in an ecstatic way liberates our own choices and ideas, not just our bodies. Freedom leads to joy, peace and harmony which ignite our energy centers for the betterment of the full, whole self.   

As Free Will Astrologer Rob Brezsney states, “…’fuck the world’ also sums up my favorite yearning: to be in intimate communion with everything that exists. It's beyond mere empathy and compassion. It's about ongoing ecstatic connections with all of creation—being in practical and immediate love with every specific element in it.”


Welcome to Summer! Solstice Brings Fire to the World to Create Change.


Self-Love and Self-Care: What is it and Why is it Important?